On Microsoft Word, there are different kind of chart tools: Pie chart, Bar chart are the most commonly used. They can be formatted and edited to get the perfect kind of informational statistics.
A pie chart is one of the most used data collectors in statistics and mathematics. It is often like a circle, divided into segments. Each segments shows the size of a particular information or raw data that has been collected. In this article, you’ll be instructed step by step on how to make pie chart on Microsoft Office Word.
In today’s article, I would like to explain for you all you need to know about How To Make Pie Chart On MS Word in 2021.
Making the Pie Chart on MS Word
To start making statistical information on Word using Pie Chart, you need to open your MS Word and do the following:
- Open a new document.
- Click on the Insert tab
- Click the chat section.
- Click on Pie, and then you select the kind of Pie Chat you want
- Click Ok. This will automatically insert the Pie template in the newly created Word Document.
Adding Data And Information To The Pie Chart
When you’re done creating the Pie template, it automatically appears in the document. Then, an Excel data sheet would open with default data information. You’ll have to delete those and put your own information.
When you’re done putting your information, it displays on the Pie chat itself.
Formatting The Pie Chart
Formatting the Pie Chart, you can change the whole design and layout, you can select the chat to display quick format tools at the side.
- Click on Layout options: This will format the position of the chart
- Click on Style color and paintbrush to give the new Pie Chart a new look and design.
- Select Chart Filters to hide any of the categories in the pie chart by unchecking their boxes and selecting Apply.
Bottom Line: Using Pie Chart To Give Information Or Infographics
With Pie Chart, you’ve created a lot of information in a very concise and explanatory form. In formal settings, pie chart can be used during presentations to display certain kinds of data as a marketing strategy to customers and investors.
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